Jinsei game | Special board game in Japan | Gameplay


Are you a fan of board games, card games, or tabletop games? Sure, setting them up (and then putting them away) can be a headache at times, but nothing beats the tactile feel and “in-room” social character of a board game. You’re not staring at a screen; instead, you’re looking at the other players and conversing with them directly. It’s a different kind of game, but a good board game and a good group of players is a great way to spend an evening.

With that in mind, we’d like to introduce you to one of our favorite board games, the Jinsei game. What is the format of this Japanese game? To learn more about Jinsei essence, keep reading. Perhaps you’ll be so taken with it that you’ll want to try it for yourself!

I. What is the Jinsei board game?

1. What is the Jinsei game? 

The Jinsei board game is a family favorite, a game of life! However, this time it’s in Japanese. The Japanese equivalent of the North American classic ‘Game of Life’ is called Jinsei (– Human life). The game’s outline is nearly the same, however, the action is based on Japanese culture.

jinsei game

In Japan, the Jinsei Game has a history dating back more than 50 years.

  • 1968 Sales in Japan began 
  • In 1983 with the translation of the US edition. 
  • The Japanese version was released in 1991. 
  • The current version was ported to Video Game 2016 7th Generation.

And here are some highlights from the game:

  • In Japan, this is an extremely popular board game.
  • Playing with many players
  • Based on roulette, we’re taking it one step at a time.
  • The player who scores the most money wins.

2. What will you do in the Jinsei game? 

Unlike many of its foreign equivalents, the Japanese board game begins with a toddler and progresses through elementary, junior high, and high school, matching the educational pathways of many Japanese youngsters.

The motion in each square is what makes the ‘Jinsei Game’ so appealing. Players must keep track of what happens in each tile. Some of the occurrences are bizarre, while others are plausible. The event is always a lot of fun for the players.

The following are some of the events in the Jinsei game:

  • If you catch a cold, the treatment will cost you $3,000 dollars.
  • Paying $25,000 for a lost mobile phone
  • Find an oil field and you’ll get $80,000
  • Repair the UFO and receive a $3,000 prize.
  • If you get lost, skip your next turn.

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II. Gameplay – How to play the special Jinsei Game

Jinsei Game is a board game for two to four (or six) players. It focuses on players spending their entire lives on the board. The Jinsei game is simple to set up. Prepare to have a lot of fun once you’ve figured out the rules and the games! Let’s see how to set it up and play it right now.

1. Assemble the game board and place it on the table.

When you first open your game set, you’ll notice that there are pieces to assemble and set up. Punch out the game board pieces and cardboard slots on the board, then position them in the appropriate locations.

  • Stickers are provided in the box, which must be placed in the mountains and bridges.
  • Buildings, mountains, and bridges must all be assembled on the board in the proper locations by matching the plastic piece to the appropriate place on the board (these are all lettered).
  • The spinner must also be built by punching out the cardboard piece and matching the notches on the plastic spinner dial. Connect the two pieces by snapping them together and securing them to the board.
special jinsei game

2. Layout the playing cards and pieces

Place the Life tiles near the board, face down. These will be the pile from which the winner will be drawn. Four of these should go on the Millionaire Estate. Stack the cards in separate heaps after shuffling. Career cards, house deeds, stocks, and salary cards should all be included. These, too, must be shuffled and facedown near the board.

Place the Homeowner’s Insurance Policies, Stocks, Bank Loans, and Automobile Insurance Policies near the board so that they are easily accessible. Select someone to work as a banker. Throughout the game, the banker is in charge of dealing with all Life and bank money. Allow each player to choose one of the vehicles and a person peg to ride in it. You are now genuinely prepared to begin.

3. Determine whether you want to pursue a career or attend college.

Before you may take your turn, you must select whether to pursue a career or attend college. Of course, each option has advantages and disadvantages.

If you establish a career right away, you will begin earning payday money sooner and will also be debt-free. At the same time, you will not earn as much money because you will not be able to generate career money. Going to college right away will make you more money in the long run when you have your diploma. At the same time, you will begin the game with a $40,000 debt. With all of this in mind, make an informed decision!

If you select a career, you must begin the game by selecting a career card. If the career card requires a college degree, you must discard it because you do not have one. If you decide to attend college, you can get a College card. When you get to the “Job Search” part of the game board, you can choose a career card.


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4. Turn the roulette wheel.

You must spin the wheel each time you take your turn. The number of spaces you can move forward on the board is indicated on the wheel.

5. Follow the steps for changing the color of your space.

You’ll see that the board game is incredibly colorful, with different directions for each colored sector. Make sure you’re familiar with the fundamentals of each color.

jinsei essence

The directions are written in orange on the orange areas. In addition, the blue spots have instructions written on them that you can accept or reject. 

Payday spaces are green areas, and when you pass or land on one, you can receive the amount stated on your payday card. 

You must stop going when you land on a red spot, even if you have spun a number that should take you past the red area. When you land on a red space, come to a complete stop, read the instructions, then rotate and move again.

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6. If you end up in a career field that someone or no one owns, you must pay.

All of the available career cards will be matched to all of the career spots. If you land on a career slot and another player owns the career card, you must pay the difference. You do not pay anything if you own the career card; if no one has the career card, you pay the sum to the bank.

7. If you spin a 10, you must pay $5,000 to the individual who has a police officer career.

A 10 on the wheel indicates that you have been speeding. This means you’ll have to pay a $5,000 speeding fine to whoever has the Police Officer career card. You do not have to pay the fine if no one possesses the card.

8. If you land in the tax space, pay $5,000 to the accountant’s career.

If a player has the accountant career card, they get an additional place on the board labeled “Taxes.” If a player lands on this square, they must pay $5,000 to the accountant cardholder. If no one has that career card, the money is returned to the bank. And you don’t have to pay anything if you possess the card and land on the taxes space.

9. Think about home and auto insurance.

Insurance for your home or automobile is not required in the game. You can purchase insurance at the start of one of your turns. Accident insurance is included in the policies. The cost of auto insurance is $10,000, and the cost of homeowner’s insurance is determined by the type of home you own.

10. Make wise investments by purchasing stocks.

Investing is a necessary component of life and of our game. At the start of one of your turns, you can purchase stocks for $50,000. The stock card will have a number printed on it, and if one of the other players spins your number, the bank will pay you $10,000. Players can only buy one stock card at a time, but you can receive more stock cards if you land in the “Stock Market Zooms” area.

11. If necessary, obtain a bank loan.

Sometimes players run out of money, and in that case, you can borrow $20,000 from the bank at the start of one of your turns. When you retire, you must repay the bank with $5,000 interest.

jinsei board game

12. The final stage is to win the game.

The game’s final phase is a lot of fun. First, when you come to the Retire place, stop moving. You can no longer spin the wheel, buy items, or draw new cards. This does not imply that you have won if you arrive first. You must now repay your debts as well as the interest. This money must be deposited in a bank. After that, you must throw away your career card, insurance policies, housing deed, and salary card. You can keep your stock cards and collect money from them until the other players have completed.

Depending on your financial situation, you can relocate your vehicle to Countryside Acres or Millionaire Estates. When you move to Countryside Acres, you collect 1 Life tile, which can be added to your total cash at the end of the game. If you relocate to Millionaires Estates and have the most money at the end of the game, you can collect four Life cards.

All players must add the cash amounts on their Life tiles to the money they have. The player with the most money in the end is the winner.

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III. Conclusion

That’s all for the Jinsei game.  Hopefully, this has answered your question about the Japan Jinsei Game. If you have any further questions, please leave them in the comments box and we will respond as soon as possible. Thank you for your time!